All children belong to one of three Houses, which celebrate the town of Chesterfield: Devonshire, Eastwood and Stephenson.
Children are awarded House Points for meeting any of the five areas of our Guiding Star Principles - Being Caring, Being Respectful, Being Brave, Being Thankful and Aiming High.
When a child has achieved 10 House Points, they will be awarded a House Token which they place in the Interhouse Token Display for their respective House.
The number of tokens collected each term are tallied up. The House with the highest total are awarded the coveted House Cup at the end of each term.
‘House Fridays’ take place each term and a wide range of competitions are held, to encourage a sense of teamwork. Regular House Meetings allow the House Captains to help deliver assemblies and recognise those who have contributed to their House as a whole.