Academic rigour is a given at SPSP
Many of our children work at greater depth in all core subjects. We follow the National Curriculum and our children sit national tests set by the Government (SATs) at the end of Year 6. Our enhanced curriculum ensures a breadth of opportunity is given to every pupil, allowing them to further develop their passions and talents.
We have an experienced team of staff who help to prepare Year 6 for a range of scholarship and entrance examinations in readiness for Year 7.
In 2023, seven pupils were awarded scholarships to their secondary school of choice in academics and sport, accounting for nearly 40% of the year group.
Children continue their academic journey at both maintained and independent senior schools at the end of Year 6. SPSP has excellent relationships with all local schools and we work in conjunction with them to ensure a smooth transition into secondary education.
Please click here for a summa ry of our Academic Performance for 2022-23.
Please Click here for a summary of our Academic Performance for 2023-24